A project of heart and light
For almost 40 years, Holocaust survivors have shared their life stories with the Museum’s visitors. Over the years, many have volunteered to testify about their experiences and share messages of courage, respect, and hope.
To celebrate the exceptional contribution of these witnesses to history and keepers of memory, a photography project was launched in 2019. The Museum’s Commemoration and Oral History Coordinator, Eszter Andor, and Photographer Stéphanie Cousineau were given the mission to meet with thirty survivors in the privacy of their own homes.
Each visit offered a special opportunity to share stories and discover precious objects and documents. These objects naturally became part of the photo sessions and even inspired the layout of the portrait gallery. Thanks to these personal possessions, threads of memory became interwoven with life before, the hardships of the Holocaust, and the period of renewal.
Through images and testimonies, the exhibition offers a sensitive and multi-faceted look at extraordinary life trajectories.

The Photographer
Since 2010, Montreal photographer Stéphanie Cousineau has documented family life cycle events, from daily life to important milestones. Her photojournalistic approach enables her to portray subjects in their own spaces with accuracy and authenticity. She will cherish the special memories gained from her experience with Holocaust survivors.
“I would like to thank each and every one of you who welcomed us into your home and opened your hearts to us. You not only shared a part of your own story, but also a piece from the stories of those who are no longer here to share them themselves. I will always treasure your memories, your names, and your faces.”
- Stéphanie Cousineau
Exhibition credits
This exhibition was created by the team at the Montreal Holocaust Museum in collaboration with Stéphanie Cousineau and Akufen.
Project leaders: Marie-Blanche Fourcade, Head of Collections and Exhibitions; Eszter Andor, Commemoration and Oral History Coordinator
Photography: Stéphanie Cousineau
Audio/video presentation and integration: Eszter Andor; Bruno Morin, Communications and Events Agent
Design: Marie-Blanche Fourcade; Eszter Andor; Audrey Licop, Deputy Executive Director; Sarah Fogg, Head of Marketing, Communications and PR; Cornélia Strickler, Digital Development Coordinator
Writing: Marie-Blanche Fourcade; Eszter Andor; Andréa Shaulis, Curator
Design and programming: Akufen
Education: Anne Marguet, Education Coordinator
Translation: Kathryn Gabinet-Kroo, Joanna Gruda; Sarah Fogg